A woman gave birth on a TGSRTC bus in Hyderabad with the help of a female conductor and other passengers. The woman, Shweta Ratnam, delivered a baby girl while traveling on the 1Z bus from Musheerabad. She started experiencing labor pains near Bahadurpura, where the conductor, R Saroja, and other female passengers assisted in the birth of a healthy baby girl.
The TGSRTC Managing Director, V C Sajjanar, praised the conductor and passengers for their quick response and help during the birth. Both the mother and infant are doing well at a nearby government maternity hospital where they were taken for medical assistance.
In another incident, a newborn baby was born at the Karimnagar bus station and was awarded lifetime free bus travel by TGSRTC. The lifetime pass was given to the child’s mother, Kumari, at a special event at Bus Bhawan in Hyderabad on June 19.