The Telugu film industry is facing a series of legal controversies involving its members. After the recent incidents with actor Raj Tarun, actress Lavanya, and choreographer Johnny Master, another actor has now come under scrutiny. This time, Sri Tej has been accused of serious misconduct.
A woman has filed a complaint against Sri Tej at the Kukatpally Police Station. She claims that the actor deceived her by making a false promise of marriage. Based on her allegations, the police have registered a case under Sections BNS 69, 115(2), and 318(2) of the Indian Penal Code.
This is not Sri Tej’s first brush with legal issues. Previously, he was accused of being involved in an extramarital affair with Archana, who is the wife of Suresh, a Senior Vice President at HDFC Bank. The alleged affair reportedly caused Suresh severe distress, leading to his tragic death from a heart attack after he discovered the relationship.
The new complaint further adds to the controversies surrounding Sri Tej, sparking concerns about his accountability and the potential impact on his career. As investigations continue, more details are expected to come to light in the days ahead.