Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal held a news conference to announce the Delhi Winter Plan, which aims to reduce pollution in the city as winter approaches. The plan will focus on 15 points and will address 13 hotspots identified in Delhi.
To reduce automotive emissions, the PUC certificate will be reviewed. Special teams will be deployed at 90 sites to ease traffic congestion, and people will be advised to use alternate routes. Open garbage burning will be prohibited, and teams have been formed to ensure that garbage is not burned in open places.
To combat stubble burning, Biotic Composer will be sprayed free of charge on about 5000 acres of land. Dust pollution will be monitored regularly at building sites, and road cleaning equipment and water sprinklers will be installed.
In addition, teams have been formed to manage the use of unauthorized and polluting fuel in industrial units. A green war room will be established to monitor pollution levels 24/7, starting on October 3rd. A feasibility study is also being conducted to identify real-time sources of pollution. Fireworks will be banned, and tree planting efforts will continue. An e-waste park will be built to minimize contamination caused by e-waste. Public awareness campaigns and communication with relevant authorities will also be part of the plan.