Telangana State Director General of Police Ravi Gupta honored the winners of the All India Police Duty Meet at a special event held at the State Police Headquarters. The winners received the overall championship (Charminar Trophy).
During the event, DGP Gupta expressed pride in the Telangana Police Department for winning the Charminar Trophy after 12 years. He commended the police personnel for their success at the national level, securing five gold medals, seven silver medals, the overall winner’s trophy in professional photography, and the overall runners-up trophy in professional videography.
Gupta emphasized the importance of defending the Charminar Trophy and encouraged the winners to continue training and achieving more accolades in the future. He highlighted that other states seeking training from the Telangana Police Department speaks to their performance.
In the future, Gupta suggested organizing duty meets and sports meets at both district and state levels for further development. IGP Stephen Ravindra discussed the training for the duty meeting during the event.
The DGP presented shawls to the winners of gold and silver medals, along with congratulating the chief coaches and coaches involved in the success of the team.