In preparation for the upcoming Assembly Elections in Hyderabad, the excise department has announced that wine shops will be closed for three consecutive days. These days, known as ‘Dry Days’, include the polling day on the 30th of this month, as well as November 28 and 29. However, wine shops will reopen on December 1.
The State Excise Department has issued orders to ensure the implementation of this decision in accordance with the Central Election Commission (CEC). Authorities have been instructed to prevent the sale of liquor during these three days and to notify bar and wine shop owners about the temporary closure.
In other news, the notification for the Telangana assembly elections was released on Friday. On the first day, 94 candidates submitted their nominations. The police department is conducting extensive checks across the state and seizing unaccounted cash and gold.
Wine shops to be shut during Telangana assembly elections on November 28-30
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