Telangana BJP state committee member and real estate businessman Tirupathi Reddy has reportedly been kidnapped in Hyderabad. The incident took place in Alwal, and his wife Sujatha has filed a complaint with the police. Reddy, who hails from Dubbakuntapalli in Jangaon district, resides with his family in Kushaiguda, Hyderabad.
According to Sujatha’s complaint, her husband was involved in a dispute over a 5,929-yard land. He was abducted near the Alwal Tehsildar’s office at 12 noon on Thursday. Sujatha noticed that Reddy’s phone was not working after he left the Tehsildar’s office, leading her to suspect that his opponents may have kidnapped him. It is worth mentioning that Reddy is actively involved in the BJP and is vying for the Jangaon ticket.