The BRS chief, K Chandrashekar Rao, is annoyed by the constant whistling from party activists during public meetings. He has reprimanded them multiple times and even threatened to leave without speaking. The BRS chief recently addressed three public meetings as part of the ‘Praja Ashirwad Sabha’ in preparation for the elections. At the beginning of each meeting, party activists would blow whistles, which would frustrate the BRS chief. He would scold the activists and ask if they were from their own party or another. The constant interruptions would cause security personnel to intervene and calm down the excited workers. Meanwhile, the helpless candidate would plead with the activist to calm down. During a meeting in Palakurthi, the BRS chief became so angry that he warned the workers he would leave if they continued to whistle. Despite the outburst, other leaders on the stage found it amusing. The BRS chief suggested that the workers wait until after the meeting to whistle and celebrate. The Congress leaders took advantage of this situation and criticized the BRS chief on social media, claiming that the ruling party leaders were becoming frustrated and impatient with the people.
Why does KCR get angry?
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