IIT Hyderabad, despite being a well-known institute, is facing difficulties in attracting top rankers from the JEE Advanced exam. This year, none of the top 200 rankers chose to join IIT Hyderabad. Only three students from the top 500 and 41 from the top 1,000 opted for the institute.
On the other hand, IIT Bombay remains the most popular choice among high-ranking students. It attracted 47 out of the top 50 rankers and 246 of the top 1,000 rankers. Similarly, IIT Delhi and IIT Madras also drew more top students, leaving IIT Hyderabad concerned about why it is not able to compete as effectively.
Although IIT Hyderabad successfully filled all 597 available seats for the 2024-25 academic year, the lack of top-tier candidates has raised questions about its ability to stay competitive with the older, more established IITs in the future.