Hectic lobbying has begun for the next Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) president for Telangana after the Lok Sabha polls for Phase-IV concluded. Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy is expected to shift his focus on administration, creating an opportunity for a new leader to take over as PCC president.
Sources suggest that Revanth may have to step down from his position as PCC president to focus on administrative issues, especially with Telangana facing important challenges like a fund crunch. It is likely that he will choose a loyal leader with whom he has a good understanding to succeed him.
Following the recent Lok Sabha polls, which caused estrangement among some castes due to ticket announcements, the party is considering selecting a leader from the BC or SC communities this time. Front runners for the post from BCs include MLC B Mahesh Kumar Goud, former MPs Madhu Yashki Goud, and M Anjan Kumar Yadav. From the Madiga (SC) community, former Alampur MLA S A Sampath Kumar is a top contender. Former Sangareddy MLA T Jagga Reddy, who is active as PCC working president, is also among the frontrunners.
Names of leaders like government advisor and former Minister Shabbir Ali and MLA Komatireddy Rajgopal Reddy are circulating as potential candidates for PCC president. The discussion about this leadership change has gained attention for the first time this year after the completion of polls in Telangana.
Revanth Reddy played a prominent role in the Lok Sabha campaign, addressing meetings in 57 locations and influencing the selection of candidates. The party now faces the challenge of balancing caste dynamics while choosing the new PCC president to maintain unity and prevent any rebellions.