In Rajendra Nagar, the GHMC has collected all of the property taxes. However, the HMWSSB Division No.16 in the same area is having trouble reaching their target for revenue collection. This division has 42,221 connections, which are divided into two sub-divisions. Sub-division I has 28,652 connections in four sections: Hyderguda, Budvel, Attapur, and Suleman Nagar. Sub-division II has 13,569 connections in Mailardevpally and Katedhan areas. Although they require Rs.1.04 crore per month from consumers, only 50 percent is being collected every month.
Out of the 42,221 connections, 11,000 are domestic consumers from slum areas. There are 38,000 paid consumer account numbers (CANs), but payments are only being received from 6,700 consumers. As a result, they are only collecting between Rs.80-90 lakhs every month instead of over one crore rupees.
The General Manager (Engineering), Operations and Maintenance Division – XVI, Rajendra Nagar, C. Chandra Shekar, said that the free water supply scheme of 20,000 litres is causing the deficit in collection. In March, they collected Rs.111.18 lakh instead of the demanded Rs.210.62 lakhs. In April, they collected Rs.99.93 lakhs instead of the demanded Rs.198.79 lakhs.
Moreover, they still have to collect bills amounting to Rs.6 crores mostly from slum areas like Mailardevpally, Sulaimannagar, and Attapur. However, collecting bills from areas like Rajendra Nagar, Budvel, Hyderguda, and Katedhan sections is not a significant concern.