In Hyderabad, residents are facing issues with overflowing sewage water, damaged manholes, and contamination of drinking water during the monsoon season. Despite claims by the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWSSB) that residents can report these problems, locals say their concerns have not been addressed.
Due to the lack of an integrated drainage network in many areas, sewage water is overflowing in places like Jeedimetla, Neredmet, Musheerabad, Nizampet, Banjara Hills, Red Hills, and Nampally. Residents have reported continuous sewage overflow from manholes, posing risks to safety.
Residents have complained about damaged manholes in Nizampet and overflowing manholes in Khairatabad. The stagnant sewage water in these areas is causing inconvenience and health hazards for locals.
In Nampally, sewage water has been overflowing for over a week, leading to a leakage in the drinking water pipeline. This negligence by HMWSSB is resulting in the mixing of sewage water with drinking water, making it unsafe for consumption. Residents are urging authorities to take immediate action to address these issues and ensure the safety of the community.