The Bharatiya Rail Sanchar (BRS) leader has recently released a video warning buffaloes against approaching the Vande Bharat Express. The high-speed train, which runs between Delhi and Varanasi, has been involved in several accidents with animals, including buffaloes. The BRS leader advises the animals to stay away from the tracks and avoid any potential danger.
The Vande Bharat Express is a high-speed train that operates at a maximum speed of 160 km/h. The train has been involved in several accidents with animals, including buffaloes, which have caused significant damage to the train and posed a risk to the passengers. The BRS leader’s video is a warning to the animals to stay away from the tracks and avoid any potential danger.
The BRS leader’s video is a reminder that animals are at risk when they enter railway tracks. While the Vande Bharat Express is equipped with advanced safety features, such as automatic brakes and collision avoidance systems, accidents can still happen. It is important for animals to stay away from the tracks and for people to be vigilant when traveling near railway lines. The BRS leader’s video serves as a reminder to everyone to be aware of the risks involved when traveling near railway lines and to take necessary precautions to avoid any potential danger.