In Nagarkurnool, two people were sentenced by Judge Kavya for driving under the influence of alcohol near Kalwakurthy. Gaddam Srinivasulu was jailed for three days and Siva Prasad for two days, as per the Kalwakurthy Magistrate.
District SP Gaikwad Vaibhav Raghunath commended the efforts of Kalwakurthy SI Madhava Reddy in this case. The SP has instructed all police officers in the district to take strict action against drunk drivers.
He warned that anyone caught drunk driving will face jail time and won’t be allowed to drive again. Since 2022, a total of 14 people have been jailed for this offense, with 8 in 2022, 4 in 2023, and 2 in 2024. The District SP emphasized the seriousness of driving under the influence of alcohol.