The Commissioner of Police in Warangal, A V Ranganath, denied allegations made against him by BJP State Chief and MP Bandi Sanjay during a press conference on Tuesday. Ranganath stated that the case against Sanjay was conducted in accordance with due process and was not politically motivated. He challenged Sanjay to provide evidence to support his claims and stated that he would resign if such evidence was produced. Ranganath also highlighted his commitment to duty and honesty, citing the large number of people who approach him on grievance day at the Police Commissionerate. He denied any personal grudges against Sanjay and clarified that he did not handle the Ayesha Meera murder case. Ranganath dismissed Sanjay’s demand to take an oath to prove his innocence and explained that police officers already take an oath at the beginning of their careers. Finally, Ranganath addressed the issue of Sanjay’s mobile phone, stating that it was not taken by the Warangal police and went dead after his arrest by the Karimnagar police.
Warangal Police Commissioner criticizes Bandi Sanjay
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