The ‘Vikasit Bharat Sankalpa Yatra’ was inaugurated in Wanaparthy District by Director of the National Water Informatics Centre Rajiv Kumar Mishra and Zilla Parishad Chairman R Loknath Reddy. The ceremony took place in Pedda Gudem village.
The Yatra aims to inform eligible beneficiaries about the central government’s developmental and welfare schemes and raise awareness about these initiatives. Participants are determined to contribute towards developing India by 2047.
In Wanaparthy, designated vehicles will visit two to three villages daily to engage with communities, spread awareness, and collect feedback from beneficiaries. The Yatra will end on January 26.
During the event, farmers witnessed a live demonstration of drone-mediated spraying of medicines, showcasing advancements in agricultural practices. Villagers, students, and others enthusiastically participated in the event. Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually initiated the Yatra from Delhi.