K T Rama Rao, Minister for Information Technology and Urban Development, inaugurated VXI Global Solutions’ first delivery center in International Tech Park, Madhapur. This is VXI’s first venture into the Indian market and highlights their commitment to providing high-quality and cost-effective support. The new contact center is located in Hyderabad and is equipped with the latest technology. It offers over 120,000 sq. ft. of office space and can accommodate over 1,000 employees by the end of 2023. VXI plans to expand to 10,000 employees within 5 years in India.
Subir Chakravarty, SVP Country Manager at VXI Global Solutions, emphasized the importance of employee well-being and career development. He stated that employees are the heart and soul of the organization and their engagement and happiness are highly valued. VXI has a culture that values authenticity, leadership, and a genuine passion for people. They are already hiring and are proud to enter this new phase of growth with a goal of reaching 1,000 employees by the end of the year.