BJP’s national executive committee member, Vivek Venkataswamy, has criticized the Telangana government for booking cases against those who question Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao and his administration’s failures. He expressed his dissatisfaction with the arrest of Bandi Sanjay on false charges and the detention of BJP leader Tirupathi Reddy for staging a dharna on the TSPSC paper leakage issue. According to him, Tirupathi Reddy’s arrest was evidence of KCR’s dictatorial rule in the state.
Despite getting bail in the dharna case, Tirupathi Reddy was still entangled in a three-year-old case by the government. Vivek Venkataswamy assured that BJP was with Tirupathi Reddy and condemned the government’s actions against him. He further stated that the state was under KCR’s cruel rule, and people were observing the government’s behaviour.
Vivek Venkataswamy emphasized that the government should not suppress dissent and instead focus on addressing the issues faced by the people. He warned that people would speak out against the government when the time came. The BJP leader’s comments come amidst growing criticism of the Telangana government’s handling of various issues, including the COVID-19 pandemic, floods, and unemployment.
In conclusion, Vivek Venkataswamy’s remarks highlight the need for a transparent and democratic system that allows dissent and criticism without fear of retaliation. The government must address the issues faced by the people and work towards their welfare instead of suppressing voices that question their actions.