Konda Vishweshwar Reddy, BJP MP candidate from Chevella, continued his Praja Ashirvada Yatra in Tandur Mandal on Tuesday. He sought blessings at Malkapur Yellamma temple and then addressed the people.
During his yatra, Reddy talked about PM Modi’s focus on each State and how Central government schemes have promoted federalism. He criticized past and present governments in Telangana for hindering Central government schemes from reaching rural areas for political reasons. Reddy praised Modi for empowering each State and accused Telangana CMs of driving the State into debt. He also criticized Congress’ free bus service, saying it neglects villages like Parigi and Tandur.
Reddy highlighted the impact of the Modi government, stating that people trust Modi’s guarantees. He praised the transparency of Modi government schemes and their equal support for all communities. Reddy criticized KCR’s Rythu Bandhu scheme for benefiting only landlords, while Modi’s schemes truly help farmers.
Speaking on divisive politics, Reddy contrasted PM Modi’s efforts to unite communities with Congress and BRS party’s tactics of dividing based on religion. Reddy promised to ensure that Modi government schemes reach rural areas in Chevella if elected as a BJP candidate.