In Rangareddy, BJP candidate Konda Vishweshwar Reddy criticized the Congress party during a rally in the Chevella Parliamentary constituency. He urged voters to support the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s initiatives for progress in the region.
Vishweshwar Reddy praised Modi’s economic policies, highlighting benefits for the economically disadvantaged. He mentioned initiatives for loans, rice supply, and support for farmers through prices and subsidies.
The BJP candidate criticized Congress for making promises without proper financial support. He specifically mentioned free bus rides for women as impractical in areas with limited bus services. Vishweshwar Reddy also questioned Congress’s stance on issues like the Ram Mandir and the Citizenship Amendment Act.
He encouraged voters to choose the lotus symbol and continue development under Modi’s leadership. Vishweshwar Reddy warned against what he saw as deceptive promises from the Congress party.