During a Royal Challengers Bangalore match against the Rajasthan Royals, Virat Kohli caught the ball and turned to give a flying kiss to his wife Anushka Sharma, who was watching the game from the VVIP gallery. The video of the moment quickly went viral on social media. RCB won the match by seven runs, with Faf du Plessis and Glenn Maxwell performing well with half-centuries, and Harshal Patel taking three wickets. This was RCB’s fourth win of the season, placing them fifth in the table with eight points in seven games. Meanwhile, Rajasthan Royals suffered their third loss in seven games but continued to be on top with eight points and a healthy run rate.
Viral Video: Anushka Sharma Charmed by Virat Kohli’s Flying Kiss During RCB VS RR Clash in IPL 2023
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