Sunrisers Hyderabad lost to Delhi Capitals by seven runs in a thrilling contest during the ongoing Indian Premier League 2023. Kavya Maran, the director of Sunrisers Hyderabad, was trolled by Twitter users after the defeat. Maran is relatively new to the IPL and sports industry in general, but has been involved with the team since 2019 as part of the SRH management team. Under her guidance, SRH has reached the playoffs in IPL 2019 and qualified for Qualifier 2 in IPL 2020.
Twitter users criticized Maran and the team’s management for having no game plan, no intent from players, and unnecessary changes. Some even shared memes of David Warner, SRH captain, in front of Maran at the game. SRH will face Delhi Capitals again on April 29 for the 40th match of the Indian Premier League at Arun Jaitley Stadium in New Delhi.