On Wednesday, the Vice Chairman of the State Planning Commission, Boinapally Vinod Kumar, launched jayanthi celebrations in Karimnagar for three great people: Jyotiba Phule, BR Ambedkar, and Babu Jagjivan Ram. He said that it’s important to study their history and sacrifices because they gave direction to the country. The efforts these individuals made for education were immeasurable and students should follow their examples.
During the event organized by the university BC and SC/ST Cell, Acharya Limbadri, Chairman of the Board of Higher Education, said that all great personalities invested their efforts to reduce the gaps between all kinds of people and laid the foundations for social development. University registrar Acharya Varaprasad said that celebrating the birthdays of great people is necessary for today’s society and youth.
University Vice-Chancellor Acharya Mallesh Sankashala said that higher education and employment opportunities among lower castes and Dalit masses are due to reservation efforts made by Phule, Ambedkar, and Babu Jagjivan Ram. He encouraged the youth to read their books and be responsible.
Afterward, BC Cell Director Dr. Sarasija and SC/ST Cell Director Dr. Padmavathi distributed prizes to the winners of speech competitions. Dr. Rangaprasad, Additional Controller of Examinations, Abra R Bakhi, Arts College Principal Zafar Zari, Science College Principal Dr. Jayanthi, Commerce College Principal Dr. Harikanth were also present at the program.