District Collector Uday Kumar of Nagar Kurnool has instructed all arrangements to ensure there is no shortage of drinking water in any village. A meeting was held with Additional Collector Kumar Deepak to discuss drinking water, school infrastructure, and high temperatures.
The Collector emphasized the need to provide enough drinking water to every household. Special officers at the mandal and village levels have been directed to supervise and repair hand pumps as needed. They have also been advised to lease agricultural boreholes for drinking water.
Additionally, repairs and maintenance of school infrastructure should be examined, and work estimates prepared by engineering officers by June. It is important to complete repairs within 10 days. People are advised to be cautious during high temperatures from 12 pm to 4 pm to prevent sunburn.
Participants in the meeting included Additional Collector Kumar Deepak, District Panchayat Officer Krishna, Mission Bhagiratha EE Sridhar Rao, Sudhakar Singh, District Tribal Welfare Department Officer Kamalakar Reddy, MPDOs, MPs, Panchayat Secretaries, and Panchayat Special Officers.