District Collector Pamela Satpathy has advised officials to ensure the success of the Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra program, which will take place in Kondapalkala village of Manakondur mandal on Tuesday. In a meeting held at the collectorate meeting hall on Monday evening, the Collector emphasized the importance of organizing a successful yatra.
The Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, scheduled for Tuesday morning at 3 o’clock, will be attended by Members of Parliament from Karimnagar, Bandi Sanjay Kumar, Vikasit Bharat program officer Dixit from the Ministry of Home Affairs, and former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh and MLA Shivraj Singh Chauhan.
To ensure a smooth program, the Collector suggested that arrangements should be reviewed in advance and given priority to government welfare schemes.