Actress and Congress leader Vijayashanti participated in the party’s Vijaya Bheri Sabha in Manthani, organized by MLA Sridhar Babu. During the event, Sridhar Babu highlighted the establishment of schools in Manthani constituency and the opportunities given to poor students. He also mentioned the party’s plans to set up a medical college, agriculture degree college, and nursing college once they come to power. Sridhar Babu praised the Congress party for resolving electricity problems and providing 24-hour electricity facility in the area.
However, he also addressed the issue of people being attacked by rowdies and gangsters for supporting the Congress party. Sridhar Babu promised to provide assistance to those affected by the Kaleswaram project and build embankments if the party comes to power.
Vijayashanthi expressed her support for Sridhar Babu and urged the people of Manthani to elect him. She criticized the increase in crime incidents in Telangana, such as the Nerella sand lorry incident, the murder of lawyer Vaman Rao and his wife, and the handcuffing of farmers. Vijayashanthi also mentioned the negative impacts of projects like Kaleswaram Project and Medigadda Project on crops and villages. She emphasized the need for change and stated that Congress should come to power. Vijayashanthi concluded by suggesting that even nature is against the ruling party and claimed that the downfall of KCR has begun.