A group of young people from BRS and BJP parties in Khairatabad Constituency, led by P Vijaya Reddy, the Congress Party candidate, gathered in Shamshir Bagh, Raj Mehalla, opposite Tarakarama Theatre, Kachiguda X Roads (Himayat Nagar Division). P Vijaya Reddy organized the program to explain the Congress party’s 6 guarantee card to the people. One of these guarantees is providing a gas cylinder for Rs. 500 if the Congress government comes to power. Vijaya Reddy urged people to be aware that BRS is trying to deceive them for votes. She also informed the attendees about the 6 guarantees released by Sonia Gandhi, a Member of Parliament, through a pamphlet. Many former corporators, division presidents, youth congress leaders, NSUI leaders, Congress party chief leaders, activists, slum dwellers, and women participated in the program.
Vijaya Reddy, Congress candidate from Khairatabad, campaigns in Himayatnagar division.
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