Viswa Hindu Parishad-Telangana is urging the governments of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh to address the issues faced by Ayyappa Swamy devotees from the Telugu States in Sabarimala. These devotees have been left stranded and suffering due to a lack of basic amenities such as food, water, and medical assistance. The Kerala State government has also refused assistance from VHP Kerala State Committee and other NGOs. In response, the VHP Kerala State Committee has organized protests across districts in Kerala.
Most of the devotees visiting Sabarimala are from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Therefore, VHP-Telangana is demanding that special teams of officials be sent from both states to ensure that the issues of these devotees are addressed. They are also requesting arrangements for special buses and railway coaches to bring them back to their respective places in the Telugu States. Additionally, they are asking for help desks to be set up for the devotees until the end of January.