The Viswa Hindu Parishad (VHP) in Hyderabad has criticized the Telangana police for their portrayal of the Hindu marriage ritual of Saptapadi in a disrespectful way. VHP leader Ravinuthala Sasidhar expressed his objection to the anti-human trafficking and women protection wing of the police for their offensive posters. One of the posters reads “Don’t stop her growth with seven steps” and shows a man and woman getting married and taking the seven steps known as Saptapadi around a sacred fire.
Sasidhar believes that these posters, displayed in police stations, are an attack on Hindu marriage rituals and institutions. He shared the poster on Twitter with the Telangana Chief Minister’s Office, the Director General of Police, and Union Minister for Culture and Tourism G Kishan Reddy, demanding strict action against those responsible for creating such objectionable content that tarnishes the image of Hindu marriage.