Prime Minister Narendra Modi will virtually flag off the third Vande Bharat train in Rajasthan on September 24. The train will run on the Udaipur-Jaipur route and will operate regularly from September 25, excluding September 26. The train will pass through five districts including Udaipur, Chittaurgarh, Bhilwara, Ajmer, and Jaipur, with stoppages at various stations. The fare for this train will be announced on Friday. The train will depart from Udaipur at 7.50 a.m. and reach Jaipur at 1.50 p.m., then depart from Jaipur at 4 p.m. and arrive in Udaipur at 10 p.m. In addition to this new train, there are already two other Vande Bharat trains operating in Rajasthan: the Ajmer-Delhi Cant and the Jodhpur-Sabarmati Vande Bharat.
Vande Bharat’s 3rd launch in Rajasthan to be inaugurated by Modi on September 24
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