Hyderabad: The Irrigation Minister N Uttam Kumar Reddy blamed the previous BRS government for the water crisis in the State, countering claims made by former CM K Chandrasekhar Rao. He spoke to the media at Gandhi Bhavan, along with Ministers Ponnam Prabhakar and Jupally Krishna Rao. Uttam pointed out how issues related to water management were handled, citing the example of Krishna waters sharing between AP and Telangana. He mentioned that the State lost more water under the BRS government to AP during Jagan’s government, compared to when the State was unified ten years ago.
Addressing allegations that the Congress was not using the Kaleshwaram project for irrigation, Irrigation Minister N Uttam Kumar Reddy clarified that the National Dam Safety Authority had halted utilization of the facility due to damage to the Medigadda barrage. He stated that until a scientific solution is found, Kaleshwaram will not be operational.
Uttam also criticized the way KCR had referred to Congress leaders in Telugu slang. He felt that the BRS chief was a broker who entered politics with money earned from selling fake passports.