Hyderabad: State Civil Supplies and Irrigation Minister N Uttam Kumar Reddy warned rice millers about breaking rules and diverting Public Distribution System (PDS) rice. He spoke at the 16th International Rice and Grains Tech Expo 2024 at Hitex Exhibition Centre. Some millers are polishing and recycling PDS rice for export at higher prices, which is not allowed. While most millers follow the rules, a few do not. The Congress government in Telangana wants to make sure all PDS rice is used properly.
Reddy stressed the importance of following rules and laws. He said everyone must comply with regulations for the industry and government to succeed. Those who break the rules will face consequences. The government plans to distribute fine rice through the PDS to improve public health. They buy rice at Rs 40 per kg and give it to the poor for free – this rice should not be diverted. Reddy promised support to millers to make Telangana the top state in rice production.
Telangana is the second-highest contributor to paddy procurement, providing 141 lakh tonnes of paddy. Reddy expects the state to produce about 1.7 crore tonnes of rice during the upcoming season, keeping its title as the ‘Rice Bowl of India’. He encouraged the industry to report any problems through their associations, with the government ready to help make Telangana number one in paddy and rice production capacity.