Irrigation Minister N Uttam Kumar Reddy has denied the accusations made by former CM and BRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao, saying they are false and meant to mislead voters before the Lok Sabha elections. Reddy spoke at a press conference at Gandhi Bhavan, where he strongly refuted KCR’s claims that the government is responsible for drought conditions in the State.
Reddy accused KCR of spreading inaccuracies and falsehood out of frustration after losing power. He stated that KCR’s visit to Suryapet to meet drought-affected farmers was a pretense, and that he lied throughout his tour. Reddy assured that the government is ensuring continuous 24×7 power supply in Telangana, with directives from CM A Revanth Reddy and Deputy CM Bhatti Vikramarka Mallu to ensure uninterrupted power for all consumers.
The minister also criticized KCR for his lack of authority to comment on the power supply situation in the state, citing the BRS government’s failure to cooperate with NTPC in establishing a promised 4,000 mw plant. Reddy claimed that even his phone was tapped, and called for an inquiry to reveal who ordered the tapping. He expressed hope that those responsible would be held accountable.
Reddy alleged that the BRS government had used law enforcement agencies like the police for illegal activities, and mocked KCR’s statements about police neutrality. He reminded KCR of how the BRS government had pressured police officers during elections to transfer money.