The picturesque Hussain Sagar lake in the heart of Hyderabad is set to undergo a transformation with the unveiling of Dr B R Ambedkar’s 125-foot statue on his birth anniversary, April 14, and the inauguration of the new Secretariat complex on April 30. The Telangana Martyrs’ Memorial is also nearing completion. The state government has released a video showcasing the changing face of the lake, which has been a popular hangout spot for over three decades, with tourists thronging the area every day to see the Buddha statue. The new bronze statue of Ambedkar is expected to add to the attraction. The state government has invited Ambedkar’s grandson Prakash Ambedkar as the chief guest for the unveiling ceremony. The Secretariat building, which is a seven-storey structure with a built-up area of 7 lakh square feet and equipped with modern facilities, has been constructed at a cost of nearly Rs 650 crore. It boasts two massive domes and a national emblem atop one of them has taken the building to its planned height of 278 feet. The Telangana Martyrs Memorial, located near the Secretariat, is shaped like a lamp and has an area of three lakh square feet. It will have a photo gallery, museum, art gallery, convention centre, and restaurants. The three landmarks are set to add glitter to the area which includes the historic Tank Bund road on the lake that divides the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad.
Upcoming Changes to the Landscape of Hyderabad’s Hussain Sagar: Three Landmarks to Look Out For
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