Hyderabad, July 8 (Namaste Telangana): Prime Minister Modi, who praised Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao in the recent Parliament session, is now facing criticism for his remarks. Telangana’s former minister V. Srinivas Goud has accused the Prime Minister of being biased towards KCR. He questioned whether the Prime Minister should only speak so highly of four individuals for their votes. On Saturday, Minister Srinivas Goud, along with the Chief Whip Vip Bhanuprasad and MP B. Venkateshwar Reddy, held a media interaction at the BJP LP office. They criticized Modi for his venomous comments against Telangana and Chief Minister KCR during the recent Varanagal rally.
“Bhanuprasad asked whether Modi was unaware of the lack of transparency in the Kaleshwaram project, which was mentioned by the Central Minister in the Parliament. Did the BJP-led government provide funds to Telangana government?,” he questioned.
MP B. Venkateshwar Reddy criticized the Prime Minister for his biased remarks. He said that even the country’s revenue is less than Telangana’s revenue by 87%. The Prime Minister should acknowledge this fact instead of criticizing Telangana. MLC Anjayya Yadav also questioned what Modi has done for the country.