The Udasin Acharya Srichandra temple in Govind Bagh is an example of the struggles faced by religious sites. The endowment department took 16 acres of land from the temple, leaving it with only 1.5 acres. The temple priests say this has caused the temple to fall into disrepair.
Surrounding residential buildings have further encroached on the temple’s space, making its condition worse. The temple is managed by a family following the teachings of Udasin Acharya Sri Chandraji Maharaj, who was believed to be the son of Sri Guru Nanak ji, the founder of Sikhism. The family is working to revive the temple ahead of the 530th Prakasotsav of Sri Chandra Ji Mahraj on September 24, 2024.
Sri Chandra Ji Maharaj travelled across the country to spread spiritual teachings and protect Hindu rights. Despite their efforts, the family has received no assistance from the government. BJP leader Yamuna Pathak visited the temple and highlighted the importance of preserving diverse spiritual traditions.
The temple celebrates important occasions and houses the ‘Adi Granth’ like a Gurudwara. Pathak criticized government actions that have taken away assets from Hindu religious sites. She called for a national act to protect these sacred places and traditions, as state-level laws have failed to do so.