Union Minister G Kishan Reddy has filed a complaint against the Telangana Government for attempting to arrest him. He sent separate letters to President Draupadi Murmu and Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, accusing the state government and police of obstructing his official duties as a union minister.
In his letter to the president, Kishan Reddy explained that despite informing the Telangana Police that he was scheduled to visit Batasingaram to inspect the progress of a government scheme, they still arrested him. He emphasized that his intention was not to agitate or participate in a sit-in protest. He expressed concern that this action by the Telangana Government prevented him from fulfilling his responsibilities as a Member of Parliament and as a Union Minister.
Similarly, in his letter to the Lok Sabha Speaker, Kishan Reddy highlighted that the Rachakonda Police Commissioner and other police personnel arrested him despite his clear statement about the purpose of his visit. He mentioned that his published tour program clearly indicated his intention to inspect the scheme’s progress, not to engage in agitation. As a holder of ‘Z Category Security’ and due to the perceived threat against him, he had shared his tour program with the Director General of Police in Telangana.
Kishan Reddy also stated that he considered the actions of the Telangana Police as a breach of privilege, according to Rule No. 229 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha. This rule requires authorities to inform the Speaker immediately when a member is arrested or detained. He requested Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla to take appropriate action on this matter.
Furthermore, Kishan Reddy emphasized the importance of the “housing for all” initiative led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Government of India has constructed over 3 crore houses under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana across rural and urban areas, aiming to ensure that every poor person has a roof over their head. In Telangana, approximately 2.5 lakh houses have been sanctioned under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban). Kishan Reddy, as a Union Minister and representing the Government of India, feels responsible for monitoring the progress of these schemes. He had planned to visit Batasingarama in Hyderabad to review the construction of houses sanctioned under the Pradhan Mantri Yojana (Urban).