South Central Railways announced that the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has approved two major projects. The first project is the doubling of the Mudkhed – Medchal & Mahbubnagar – Dhone section, and the second project is the doubling of the Guntur – Bibinagar section within the South Central Railway jurisdiction.
These projects will allow for the introduction of new trains and increased freight transportation, benefiting both Telugu States. They will also contribute to the socio-economic development of the regions by promoting economic growth and providing smoother transportation for goods and people.
The Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs approved the doubling project of the “Mudkhed-Dhone” section, covering a distance of 417.88 km, with an estimated cost of Rs. 4686.09 crore. The Ministry of Railways proposed this project. The second project approved is the doubling of the “Guntur – Bibinagar” section, covering a distance of 239.00 km, with an estimated cost of Rs. 2,853.23 crore. This project is also proposed by the Ministry of Railways. The construction of these projects will create around 75 lakh mandays of direct employment, according to a senior officer from SCR.