The Union Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has approved the eCourts Project Phase III. This project will span four years starting from 2023 and will receive a financial outlay of Rs.7210 crore.
The eCourts Project is focused on improving access to justice using technology. It has been implemented since 2007 as part of the National eGovernance Plan to enable the Indian Judiciary with ICT. Phase II of the project concluded in 2023 and now Phase III will be rooted in the philosophy of “access and inclusion”.
The goal of Phase III is to bring maximum ease of justice by transitioning towards digital, online, and paperless courts. This will be achieved through the digitization of all court records, including legacy records, and by universalizing e-Filing and e-Payments through e-Sewa Kendras in all court complexes. The implementation of intelligent smart systems will enable data-based decision making for judges and registries when scheduling or prioritizing cases. The main objective is to create a unified technology platform for the judiciary that provides a seamless and paperless interface for courts, litigants, and other stakeholders.
The eCourts Phase III is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme implemented jointly by the Department of Justice, Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India, and the eCommittee, Supreme Court of India. The project will be decentralized and implemented through the respective High Courts. The aim is to develop a judicial system that promotes ease of justice by making it more accessible, affordable, reliable, predictable, and transparent for all stakeholders.