MLA Y Anjaiah Yadav spoke at a plenary meeting in Rangareddy on Tuesday. The meeting was held at AV Conventional hall in the Shadnagar constituency and was attended by BRS party leaders and activists from various mandals and villages in the area. The Chairman of Telangana State Agricultural Cooperative Society, Raja Varaprasad, and the Chairman of Minority Finance Corporation, Imtiaz Isaq, were also present.
During the meeting, MLA Yadav praised Telangana’s development under the leadership of KCR and called it a role model for the country. He highlighted Telangana’s achievements in IT, industrialization, irrigation, and other areas. He also criticized BJP State President Bandi Sanjay and TPCC President Revanth Reddy for spreading false information about job creation.
MLA Yadav unveiled the BRS party flag and paid tribute to the Martyrs’ Stupa. Later, the plenary meeting addressed several resolutions related to agriculture industries and the justice department, tribal development, medicine, and the handloom industry.
Various dignitaries, including Zilla Parishad Vice Chairman Eta Ganesh, MPPs Y Ravinder Yadav, Priyanka Shiva Shankar Goud, Khaja Idris, Jangaiah, ZPTCs Venkat Ramreddy, Tandra Vishala Srilatha, Bangaru Swaroop Ramulu, EdireRagamma, Market Committee Chairman Manne Kavitha Narayana Yadav, Municipal Chairman Narender, Municipal Vice Chairman MS Natarajan, and Mandal President Laxman Naik, were also in attendance.