The Hyderabad Commissioner’s Task Force, Central Zone Team, caught two people with Rs 40 lakh in unexplained cash on Thursday night. The police stopped a car at a parking area in Ramakrishna Theatre in Abids based on reliable information. The arrested individuals were Devini Muthyalu (42), a driver, and K Rajesh (31).
The police asked the suspects about the cash, but they couldn’t provide any documents to explain where it came from. The police confiscated the unexplained Rs 40 lakh and a SUV car. Both individuals admitted to working under Wilson Babu C/O in Hafeezpet for the past few years.
Following Wilson Babu’s instructions, the two suspects went to the parking area at Ramakrishna Theatre to collect Rs 40 lakh from an unknown person. They planned to hide the money in their cars and deliver it secretly to Wilson Babu for illegal gain.
While transporting the undisclosed amount, the police received a tip-off and intercepted the vehicle, seizing the cash from the suspects.