Two people have died and ten others have been hospitalized after drinking illicit toddy in Mahabubnagar district over the past two days. Many people complained of uneasiness after drinking the toddy, and some feared health complications. The hospital has admitted at least 10 people on Monday, another 5 on Tuesday, and more on Wednesday. Two people have died while receiving treatment, five have been discharged, and the rest are still being treated. The medical doctors and excise department authorities have ruled out the possibility of illicit liquor and toddy causing the illness, citing the history of liquor and toddy addiction among those admitted to the hospital.
The Excise Superintendent of Mahabubnagar, Saidulu, explained that his team regularly conducts tests and checks on Toddy depots in the district, including spot tests for the presence of banned drugs like Chloral Hydrate in adulterated toddy. He confirmed that preliminary tests did not reveal any harmful chemicals in the toddy, but further tests are being conducted to identify any other dangerous or harmful chemicals.
According to Saidulu, many factors could contribute to people falling ill after drinking toddy, including labourers who stop drinking for a few days before consuming a large quantity or those who try to stop suddenly. The Excise Superintendent also observed that labourers who work in the hot sun all day and then consume toddy in the evening could suffer from sunstroke.
Dr Srinivas Goud, Excise Minister, visited the General Government Hospital to take stock of the situation. He said two people died due to heat wave and not because of having illicit toddy. He warned that stern action would be taken against those indulging in illicit liquor or toddy.