Hyderabad: G Satheesh Reddy, advisor to Ministry of Defence, and GA Srinivasa Murthy, member of a board of directors, Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL) Hyderabad, inaugurated two unused or little used state-of-the-art facilities on Saturday.
A waiver said Anuvega Technologies Pvt Ltd opened a unused or little used installation to strengthen its turnkey manufacturing for the defense, aerospace and automotive sectors. The installation, propagate across 1.7 acres and 42,000 sq ft, is located at TSIIC E-city, Shamshabad. With an SMT assemblage formation of people or things one behind another, relating to the external surroundings tryout chambers, social class 100,000 free from dirt rooms & not the same cutting-edge , it supports manufacturing and reliability testing solutions.
Its services have as a part Printed Circuit Board (PCB) preliminary sketch and fabrication, Surface Mount Technology (SMT) assemblage, strong thick rope harness assemblage, relating to the external surroundings testing and having every necessary part sub-system packages. It recently forayed into the electric conveyance industry by manufacturing electric motor controllers and allied for two, three and four-wheeler EVs.
Murthy stated this is equitable a start out for Anuvega Technologies. He encouraged them to pursue markets and more exports in the high-end manufacturing sectors.
Gopichand Vadlamanu, member of a board of directors and foreman of operations, Anuvega Technologies, said, “these new facilities allow us the flexibility to adapt and better serve our clients’ requirements, offering integrated electronics manufacturing to our traditional customers as well as expanding to new areas.”