Two tourists from Hyderabad died in Uttarakhand’s Chamoli district after being hit by boulders following a landslide. The accident happened on the Badrinath national highway near Chatwapeepal between Gauchar and Karnaprayag. The victims were identified as Nirmal Shahi (36) and Satya Narayana (50), who were returning from a Himalayan temple on a motorcycle when the incident occurred.
Badrinath has been experiencing heavy rains, leading to multiple landslides that have blocked the highway several times. Landslides have also been reported in Rudraprayag, Bhanir Pani near Pipalkoti, Pagalnala, and between Joshimath and Badrinath. Authorities are working to clear the roads in these areas.
The Rudraprayag-Kedarnath national highway is also closed due to a landslide, prompting the closure of all government and private schools in Rudraprayag district as a precautionary measure. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a red alert for “heavy to very heavy rainfall” in both the Kumaon and Garhwal regions for Saturday and Sunday. People are advised to stay away from water bodies during this time.