One of the well-known politicians in Hyderabad, Tummala Nageswara Rao, has joined the Congress party just before the election. He has had a long political career spanning over four decades. On Thursday, he was sworn in as a Minister in the newly formed State government. Rao has previously served in ministerial positions under both the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and TRS (now BRS) parties. He started his political journey with the TDP in 1982 and won his first election in 1983 after initially being defeated. This led to his first ministerial appointment under the Chief Minister of N T Rama Rao.
Throughout his career, Rao has faced both triumphs and setbacks. He successfully retained his Assembly seat multiple times on the TDP ticket. In 2014, he switched to the TRS and won the Paleru by-election, but lost the subsequent 2018 elections. In September 2023, he resigned from the BRS and joined the Congress party, which fielded him as a candidate in the 2023 Assembly elections.