Minister Tummala Nageswara Rao visited Bhadradri-Kothagudem district on Sunday. He was received by District Collector Dr Priyanaka Ala, SP Dr Vineeth, and officers. The minister discussed pending issues with the Collector, SP, and other department officers. Afterwards, he inspected the second bridge construction works in Bhadrachalam with NHAI engineers and officials. He expressed disappointment at the slow progress of the project, which had started in 2015. Despite complaints from the public, the works had been stalled without attention from officials and the government.
Since the formation of the Congress government in the state, Tummala has been actively addressing pending issues. He ordered officials to complete the bridge construction by February, in time for the Sri Rama Namvami festival. Additionally, he requested the expansion of the road between Bhadrachalam and Ibrahim Patnam (NH221) for a stretch of approximately 165 km. He discussed this matter with National Highway region manager Kushwa and mentioned his intention to meet Union National Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari to discuss various road works.