The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) has reduced the number of special VIP darshans, Srivani, Tourism quota, virtual sevas, and Rs 300 darshan tickets to make it easier for common devotees to have darshan in the summer. TTD executive officer AV Dharma Reddy announced that the Tirumala shrine is expected to have a large number of visitors from April to July during the summer holidays.
In preparation for the increased footfall, temporary shades and shelters will be set up at the queues for devotees. Drinking water and other facilities will also be provided. Regarding accommodation, 85 percent of the rooms will be reserved for regular devotees. There are 7,500 rooms on the hills that can accommodate up to 45,000 devotees at a time. The TTD suggested that devotees consider staying in Tirupati as accommodation on Tirumala will be limited during the summer.
To meet the demand during the summer season, the TTD has started distributing free ‘Anna Prasadam’ at the Govindaraja Swamy temple in Tirupati.