In Hyderabad, the TSRTC (Telangana State Road Transport Corporation) plans to buy 2,050 buses in the next four to five months due to an increase in occupancy ratio. The implementation of the Maha Lakshmi scheme has led to a rise in occupancy from 69% to 88%. Many depots are experiencing over 100% footfall, so the RTC is preparing to introduce 1,000 new diesel buses and 1,050 electric buses by the end of March next year to meet the additional demand.
To ensure the authenticity of passengers, TSRTC officials are requesting individuals to show their original photo ID cards like Aadhar, voter ID, driving license, or government-issued identity cards. Many passengers have been carrying unclear or distorted photocopies of their Aadhar card on their mobiles.
There have been complaints from daily passengers regarding people boarding express buses and getting off at non-designated stops. TSRTC clarified that express buses will only operate according to identified stages to avoid inconvenience for fare-paying passengers and to prevent people from diverting to other modes of transportation. Conductors will make stops along the route to issue tickets. If women are found without valid ID proof, they will be treated as ticket-less passengers.