Under the Mahalakshmi scheme in Telangana, women were able to travel for free on RTC buses. This has led to overcrowding on the buses, with some women even having to hang on to the footboard because there is not enough space.
Recently, a woman conductor faced abuse from passengers when she tried to give them safety instructions. The situation escalated to the point where she was forced to get off the bus. The RTC management is taking this incident seriously, and the Commissioner of Police, Sajjanar, expressed his anger and warned the passengers.
Sajjanar emphasized the important role that the RTC staff plays in the smooth operation of TSRTC and the implementation of the Mahalakshmi scheme. He stated that it is unfair for people to abuse and attack the staff, even though they are representatives of the company. The TSRTC management will not tolerate such incidents and will take legal action against those responsible.
Complaints have been lodged with the police and an FIR has been registered for this incident. The police are currently investigating. Sajjanar appealed to passengers to cooperate with the RTC staff and to ensure their own safety. He requested that such incidents do not happen again in the future and asked for the public’s cooperation.