Hyderabad: Bandi Sanjay Kumar, a former leader of the Telangana BJP and current national general secretary, expressed his support for the Governor’s approval of the bill merging TSRTC with the government. He praised Governor Tamilisai for thoroughly studying the bill and identifying its flaws to prevent future issues. Bandi Sanjay accused KCR, the Chief Minister of Telangana, of starting a conspiracy to discredit the Governor and mislead RTC workers. Despite this, the Governor stood firm. On behalf of the RTC workers and the people of Telangana, Bandi Sanjay thanked the Governor for her efforts.
Telangana Governor Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan gave her consent to the pending bill on the merger of TSRTC with the government. The state Assembly had passed the bill, but the Governor held it back to seek legal opinion and recommend additional measures. There was criticism from the government over the delay, but the Governor finally gave her consent.
In September, Governor Tamilisai commented on the merger of TSRTC with the government, stating that she had not given her assent to the bill yet. She clarified that she had taken legal opinion and made recommendations to the government, which were ignored. She was still examining the bill to protect the interests of RTC employees. The Governor emphasized her commitment to a people-centric approach and her readiness to face legal challenges if necessary.
The decision to merge TSRTC with the government was made by the state cabinet in July. This demand has been present for several years, with a major strike by RTC employees in 2019. The merger is expected to benefit around 43,000 employees.