The Madhapur drugs case in Hyderabad has been causing a lot of buzz lately, as it involves alleged Tollywood celebrities. The Telangana Anti-Narcotics Bureau (TS NAB) officials have examined the cell phone data of Balaji, Rankishor, and Kalhar Reddy, who were recently arrested in Madhapur. They have found phone numbers of many film celebrities in their investigation.
On Tuesday, the authorities filed a petition in court to seek custody of the 8 accused arrested in this case. Based on the information provided by Bhaskar and Murali Venkataratna Reddy, three Nigerians including Devarakonda Suresh Rao, Ramchander, K. Sandeep, Sushant Reddy, and Srikar Krishna Prasad were arrested and taken into remand. The Narcotics officials have requested seven days custody to gather more information from them.
According to officials, the accused used to buy drugs from a Nigerian in Bangalore and bring them to the city. They would then organize rave parties and invite film and political celebrities. The investigation has revealed that they would lure young women aspiring to be models or actresses by using drugs and make connections with celebrities by posing as film producers.